Tuesday, November 17, 2009

darcy antonia visits with Centerville Primary School Girls Club

We at darcy antonia jewelry believe community outreach is absolutely necessary for communities to flourish; Wednesday November 12th 2009, we visited the Girls Club at Centeville Primary School. This is a group of committed 6th grade girls, who meet during their lunch break to discuss issues prevalent within their age group; they also have the opportunity to receive visits from guests who are there to enlighten them on many different topics, This week's topic was "jewelry design as a career choice."

"Jewelry design as a career choice" brought forward many probing questions from the girls inlcuding how long it takes to make specific pieces, to the cost of the items, to how does one arrive at the selling price, to where does the raw materials come from etc etc etc. We had a wonderful time and were happy to open the girls' eyes to a new career choice.

Many didn't realize jewelry design could become a career, many assumed it could only possibly be an option as a hobby, this was a wonderful group of young enthusiastic, girls who are excited about their future aspirations. Within the group we discovered some aspired to become nurses, lawyers, doctors, teachers, bankers, a veterinarian....kudos to these girls as they go about discovering what their future will hold, we say stay focused and the world will be your stage!

As we seek to empower young people we look forward to visiting many other schools and continue with our various community assignments. If you know of any school you would like us to visit, please feel free to contact us at (242) 324-7607 or by email darcyantonia@yahoo.com

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